Lu was born in an army reclamation town in Xinjiang. His parents hailed from Shanghai, with ancestral roots in Nantong, Jiangsu, and had relocated to Xinjiang as part of a state initiative to support frontier development. Lu’s father, Lu Tianming (陆天明) , is a well-known writer. The family later moved to Beijing, where Lu grew up. In 1988, Lu, due to his father’s opposition to pursuing film studies, entered the PLA Institute of I…
男生:出生於 公歷1993年11月20日,農曆癸酉年,五行屬金,納音為劍鋒金,生肖屬雞. 女生:出生於 公歷1955年11月20日,農曆乙未年,五行屬金,納音為沙中金,生肖屬羊. 男屬金 vs 女屬金. 傳統婚配口訣: 兩金夫妻硬對硬、有女無男守空房、日夜爭打語不合、各人各心各白眼。
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